Legal Counsellor
Below you will find legal tips and first aid on various fields of law and specific cases. If you have suffered damages in one of the following cases, Berlin based attorney Sascha C. Fürstenow will be happy to advise you and offer you a free and non-binding initial assessment of your circumstances.
Negative interest and deposit fees on current accounts only partially permissible – Court of Justice rules in Favor of consumers
The Civil Senate of the Federal Court of Justice responsible for banking and stock exchange law ruled on February 4, 2025 that the clauses on deposit fees (negative interest) in the contracts of banks and savings banks for deposits in savings and call money accounts are invalid (Ref. XI ZR 183/23; XI ZR 161/23; XI ZR 65/23; XI ZR 61/23). The...
Tax law aspects of property sales: speculation period, succession and tax structuring options
For many people in Germany, real estate is a safe and popular investment. However, anyone who sells their property too early must pay tax on the profit from the sale. The premature sale of a property is considered a speculative transaction. In this article, attorney Sascha C. Fürstenow outlines the most important tax law aspects that may be...
Money laundering – beware of acting as a financial agent
A new record was broken in 2023 - a total of around 32,600 money laundering offenses were recorded in Germany according to criminal statistics. The FIU reported over 330,000 suspected money laundering cases in 2022 and the number of reports is increasing year on year. Nowadays, it is not only organized crime that is under the microscope of the...
DSL Bank and the non-payment of building loans
Update 26.09.2023: In the meantime, DSL Bank has finally paid out the called partial loan to the developer. A serious damage for the client could thus be averted. In an ongoing legal dispute, a client who used the services of attorney Sascha C. Fürstenow concluded a construction loan with DSL Bank for the construction of a residential...
What actually happens to the loan interest after the agreed fixed interest rate?
Fixed interest rate: What is that? When taking out a loan, in addition to the actual loan amount, you always think about the agreed interest rate and the term. The interest rate can be fixed or variable. In order to have a certain security, especially with a fixed interest rate, this is usually guaranteed by the bank for a certain period of time,...
When partially selling (residential) real estate: be sure to weigh up the pros and cons
Many providers would like to attract owners with the new real estate partial sale and promise thereby profit and in particular for pensioners a safe age precaution. But even with this model, there may be disadvantages and actual as well as legal problems. This article looks at the potential gains, but also the associated risks, from a partial...
Federal Court of Justice: No reservation fee for brokers
In the case at hand, the potential buyers of a property had paid a reservation fee in the amount of €4,200 and demanded its repayment after they had refrained from purchasing the property. The Federal Court of Justice examined the legality of this fee in the context of a reservation contract and reached a landmark judgment (judgment of April 20,...
Justified hope of aggrieved consumers of online casinos
Dresden Higher Regional Court rules in favor of injured consumers of online sports betting; this could also affect online gambling. OLG Dresden rules in favor of injured consumers of online sports bets This is the judgment of the OLG Dresden (Az.: 13 U 1753/22) of 31.05.2023, with which now further reliable case law of a court of higher instance...
Usufruct as an alternative or supplement to a gift for the purpose of reducing gift tax
Many people who own valuable objects, such as real estate or securities, at some point have the idea of giving them away within the family or to friends. That thereby a tax, the so-called gift tax accrues, know thereby still some. That one can reduce this, if one arranges it skillfully, completely legally or also completely avoid, however no...
Insolvency filing obligation of the managing director and liability issues
The managing director of a legal entity such as a GmbH (limited liability company) is legally obliged to file for insolvency in the event of certain preconditions of a company crisis. But what are these conditions? And what are the consequences if such a petition is filed too late or not at all? In the following legal advice, attorney Sascha C....
Contaminated land: Liability, indemnification and insurance
Contaminated sites represent a risk that should not be neglected, especially when acquiring commercial real estate. If they are not recognized in time or even ignored, this can lead to high costs. But who pays for these costs? And how can I, as the seller of a property, indemnify myself against possible later liability claims? The following legal...
Doubtful customer service: No help from Postbank for bank customers in case of erroneous bank transfer
Postbank has a hard time helping its bank customer in the case of a subsequently discovered erroneous bank transfer; at one point, Postbank did not even respond to lawyer submissions. What had happened: Bank customer transferred €5,000.00 and immediately thereafter canceled the order: Hope for refund A bank customer of Postbank represented by...
ADAXIO AMC GmbH: No end to disputes with Paratus AMC GmbH, formerly GMAC-RFC Bank GmbH
For years, the borrowers of ADAXIO AMC GmbH or its legal predecessor have been in dispute. GMAC-RFC Bank GmbH, as the legal predecessor of ADAXIO AMC GmbH, concluded thousands of real estate purchase contracts with consumers until it returned its banking license to GMAC-RFC Bank GmbH in 2008. Important note: this article was published in German...
Loan fees in home savings contracts
In its court ruling of November 8, 2016, XI ZR 552/15, the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof - BGH) also declares loan fees in home savings contracts to be unlawful; limitation issue Important note: the the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof - BGH) ruling presented here is from 2016, and the case law contained therein may be...
Real estate annuity – ways to cash in on your own property without having to move out
To increase the pension through one's own real estate without having to sell it completely sounds very tempting, especially for people of advanced age. Through the pension system in Germany, not all needs can be met and so other more lucrative ways must be found to improve the financial situation. These methods differ greatly from each other and...
Buying real estate – especially: Buying a condominium
When buying a condominium, from the point of view of the buyer, it is important that the purchase contract is legally in order and not to the detriment of the buyer. In addition to the purchase contract, the declaration of division (Teilungserklärung) must then be examined as a further important document. On the contract of sale of a...
The law for the protection of business secrets (GeschGehG)
With the German Act on the Protection of Trade Secrets (GeschGehG), which came into force on 26 April 2019, the EU Directive on the Protection of Secrets was implemented and serves to better protect confidential know-how and trade secrets from illegal acquisition, use and disclosure. This means that the marginal regulations concerning the...
Misuse of credit cards and giro cards
Misuse of credit cards, giro cards etc. after card and PIN have been intercepted or stolen from the post office / mailbox Unfortunately, it seems to be becoming increasingly common that when a credit card or giro card is sent by post and the bank subsequently sends the corresponding PIN, the bank card and PIN either do not reach the bank...
Retrieval of an incorrectly made bank transfer
It can be difficult to retrieve an incorrectly made bank transfer, but it is possible under certain circumstances, which is why you should always try to retrieve it from your own bank. The facts of the case: retrieval of a transfer in the event of fraudulent recipient of funds A buyer buys a machine on the Internet. The seller requires a...